Sunday, 9 May 2010

Looking back over the last week I realise how blessed I am, as ever, to work in so many different ways with Spirit.
With a mixture of evenings of mediumship, private readings, private tuition, workshops and a brand new 'slot' on BayFM radio which began on Thursday, I reflect back to my many years working as a trained Baker and Confectioner without a thought of ever becoming a Medium!
Life has an amazing way of taking unexpected paths, and being on the night shift in my small shop in Lincolnshire, putting finishing touches to wedding and celebration cakes, I could never have imagined how my life would change and will no doubt continue to do so.
Many of us find ourselves in a far distant place to where we imagined we would be at a certain time in our lives. Sometimes those changes can send us into unfamiliar territory which we resist because of uncertainty, and sometimes a sat nav for life's journey would seem a handy thing to have. We would all know what to expect and be prepared for change which would make the transition through life so much easier.
But would it?
The fabric of our very being is shaped by experience and how we grow and learn from it. Often I hear people say that although they did not realise why some events in life were happening at the time, the reasons so often later became clear for good reason, however traumatic, confusing or even joyous.
Nothing in life can ever stand still, even if we were to sit silently in a room for a day and do nothing the world will continue to change around us.
There are circumstances which we may have little or no control over but if we have the strength to embrace the unknown we may find ourselves on the most amazing journey of discovery of not only ourselves but of those around us.
If we find the courage to recognise that each second in time is perfect in it's existence, and that we cannot be in a wrong moment, then we are truly living life rather than simply existing within it.
Planning for the future is wise and gives us all a sense of security, but wisdom also comes from knowing that if we move to the rhythm of our own tune as it plays, the symphony then becomes a masterpiece!

Love Donna x