Sunday, 26 April 2009

Spain and Gibraltar April 2009

Just returned from 10 days in Spain and Gibraltar having had a really great time even if the schedule was somewhat punishing at times!!
With 40ish 1-2-1's, 2 dems, a workshop, healing sessions and tutorials all done I finally landed back in the UK midnight on Wednesday evening. As always the people out there are so embracing of all things Spiritual so it's easy for Spirit to work well and as always it's nice to see old friends and new.
The sun actually came out and stayed out this time which was a miracle in the making!
Now I am looking forward to going out again in 2010 and big thanks to Frankie and Lourdes for putting in the time to organise such a busy schedule.

The main question now for me has to be 'How do I live without Tapas until then?' :) x

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