Saturday 17 May 2008

DVD update

Hi Everyone,

Thursday at the South Holland Centre was a really great experience. The film crew arrived at around 3 to set up and we spent the rest of the day filming interviews, backstage footage and then the dem in the evening which was great. The energy was really buzzing, all helped along with copious amounts of tea and a substantial pizza delivery!

I love production anyway and was amazed by how much equiptment and organisation is needed to bring it all together, so thanks to cameraman David and the boys for a great job.

The only glitch was realising that we had left behind the CD of our intro music 'Do it For Love' which is so important to the start of the show so huge thanks to Dave for battling rush hour traffic and going off to get it in between being an ace photographer on the day!
Techies Bev and Dan really went the extra mile to make the stage look fantastic and a big shout for our interviewer Frankie Hatton for a sterling job all round and keeping everyone amused with his huge personality.
There really are too many to mention but sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who gave their support, not to mention The South Holland Centre for giving kind permision to film at the venue.
If you were in the Audience on the night, big thanks for really getting on board with the whole event and making it a very special night for everyone, and especially to those of you who have given kind permission to be included to share your experience. The feedback has been fantastic.

Finally, to my dear friends in Spirit who I know without doubt have been the initiative behind this great experience, because of the incredible synchronisity in it all coming together in the way that it did.
Thank you guys, and to those of you who came to talk to your loved ones in the audience at the dem, We hope you like the end result:)

We haven't much more to film before the task of editing begins so we'll keep you all posted!



Anonymous said...

hi great evening, second time seeing Donna, a friend got a reading, wow. Cant wait too see you again, March 20th 2009.
Have seen Colin Fry also, was just as entertaining as Colin`s show.
Was a fun evening, with funny comments from 1 or 2 spirits, not a sad evening, just enlightning.
Thanks Donna.
from a new fan

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna

Sorry I missed the show, but I can't wait to see the DVD. Having seen your work on many occassions and followed your progress over the years, I think the DVD will allow people to see how well you work side by side with spirit, not only providing great evidence but showing through your style of mediumship that your shows can both give comfort and humour to those who need it. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Bill X