Thursday 19 March 2009

Theatre Dem, Stevenage 18th March

A huge thank you to all who came along to support us at The Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage last night.It was great to see so many people supporting each other when messages were given even if they didnt have one themselves and that kind of generosity of spirit always makes me smile.
In the second half, for the first 20mins, I actually stepped back in time to a way I often used to work as a newly 'fledged' medium by asking audience members the relationship of someone they would love to hear from and then asking that spirit if they could join us and give us their evidence.
It was a very successful experiment and raised the atmosphere even higher than it was.
Tommorrow night I am looking forward to The South Holland Centre, Spalding where the DVD was filmed almost a year ago....hope to see you there.


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